Sunday, January 23, 2005


Been awhile since I wrote last really haven't had that much to say just been wondering around in my head for the last little while not to share what to think for the last few weeks though I've just felt considerably lost as though I just don't know who I am anymore maybe its the hole marriage thing that's the only major event that's really changed anything in my life I just feel as though I've lost something inside something I used to have but the more I think about the more I realize I've felt this way for awhile shits just changed so much and now everything starting to slow down and catch up to me i just dont feel like me any more like i just cant be me and its not because of anyone or anything i miss who i used to be but at the same time i dont regret anything i've done in the last year i just dont get it at all welcome to my depression

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Life in the new year

I like to think in the new year things will be different things will change and always for the better but in all actualality its always the same same old fight same old life same old same old no matter really what you do at all its always the same its all how you learn to deal with it I guess there's not very much though this year I would like to change except how much money I make but hey that's everyone even billionairs would love to change how much money they make the only thing I would like is to make more then 16,640 gross a year before taxes not after before sighs shit if I wasn't married I'd be fucked right now and the bad kind not the good kind.. Sighs..
modern day America has turned out to be more of a depression then most people realize unless your making at least 28,000 by your self you cant even afford to make rent unless you live with someone else god fobid divorce.. Shrugs.. Who knows maybe things can change again and we'll be able to have one parent home taking care of the children while the other works unless they want to work a full or part time job at someone can be there for the kids